Holiday Special Dishes


Bunătăţi să le mănânci cu ochii

Pork Dishes





This is a wonderful dish to serve during the holidays or for a harvest dinner. It highlights dried fruits from California, as well as a rich sauce made with white wine. The roast can be served on a platter lined with fresh spinach leaves and orange slices, and it is lovely to carve at table. Your butcher will usually prepare the roast if you order early and take your marinated fruit in to them for the stuffing. 1 1/2 c. white wine (I use Johannesburg Riesling) 20 dried, pitted prunes 12 dried apricot halves 3 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. vegetable oil 6 tbsp. Cognac or brandy 1 1/4 c. beef broth 1/4 c. heavy cream 3 tbsp. currant jelly 2 tbsp. orange juice Salt & pepper to taste 4 tbsp. flour, combined with 4 tbsp. butter

(Tie the roasts together at 2 inch intervals to make a single round roast with a ready made pocket. Or have your butcher stuff the roast with the fruit, specifying that you need the round shape.)

Pour the wine over the dried prunes and let soak for at least 1 hour. Reserve the wine. Have butcher stuff the pork loin with the fruit, alternating a prune with 2 apricot halves. If preparing the roast yourself, stuff by pushing the fruit into the pocket with a wooden spoon handle. Repeat until the cavity is filled, but not crowded. Reserve leftover fruit.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Heat the butter and oil in a large skillet. Brown the roast on all sides over medium - high heat. Warm the Cognac or brandy and pour over roast. Ignite and allow flame to subside; then remove the roast to a roasting pan. Roast uncovered for 1 1/2 hours, or until a meat thermometer reads 160 degrees. Remove roast to a heated platter and let stand for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, combine beef stock with remaining wine, cream and jelly in a saucepan. Reduce by 1/3 over high heat. Add remaining dried fruit. Degrease pan juices from roast, then deglaze roasting pan with a little of the prepared sauce. Return pan juices to the saucepan. Add the orange juice, season with salt and pepper. Whisk the flour and butter mixture into the sauce to thicken. Simmer for 3 minutes. Do not let it boil.

Carve the roast into 1/2 to 3/4-inch slices so that each slice shows a prune and an apricot in the center. Pass the sauce from a sauceboat.


Rulada de Pulpă de porc cu usturoi, prune uscate şi fistic



Pulpa sau muşchiul se marinează 24 de ore.





Pulpa de porc împănata se serveşte de preferinţă caldă, cu mămăliguţă.



Muşchiuleţ de porc împănat cu usturoi, caise uscate şi rozmarin



Muşchiuleţul de porc are avantajul ca se poate servi rece, sau aburit in

Bain Marie şi cu garnitură de cuscus şi iaurt aromat cu mentă, lămîie.