A lesson plan by Elena Malec


PREMATH:Association of quantity and symbol.


                    PREPARATION: 1. One-to-one correspondence.

                                                   2. Readiness to work with sequences.

                                                   3. Counting top to bottom/left to right.


                    MATERIALS :   1. A chart with squares for items from 1 to 10 in a top to bottom sequence.
                                                2. A coin purse with 55 pennies.
                                                3. Column of numbers/symbols from one to five and separate numbers from six to ten.
                                                4. Folder to hold the work.


                    PRESENTATION: 1. Invite the child.
                                                     2. Take the work to the table.
                                                     3. Ask the child to place the pennies in each square of the chart.

                                                        Count while placing the coins.

                                                        Do a 3-period lesson for numbers if necessary.
                                                     4. Ask the child to place the symbols on the chart.



                    DIRECT AIMS:  1. Association of quantity and symbol.
                                                  2. Reinforcement of counting: 1 to 10.
                                                  3. Introduction of symbol  10.
                                                  4. Increasing awareness of sequence.


                    INDIRECT AIMS: 1. Preparation for math operations.
                                                      2. Order.
                                                      3. Concentration.



                    POINTS OF INTEREST: 1. The coins.
                                                                2. Counting money.
                                                                3. Comparing pennies and symbol.


                     CONTROL OF ERROR: 1. The squares on the chart.
                                                                 2. There are 55 pennies.


                     LANGUAGE: Penny/pennies. One to ten.



                     AGE: 4-5 years old.