The Practical Life Curriculum Area in a Montessori classroom defines the education for the skills required in everyday life. The reason Maria Montessori introduced this curriculum area in the education

of young children was that her method aimed at preparing children for life rather than for school.

Thus she considered it very important to assist development in young children according to their respective stage

(physiological and mental) as they come  through what she referred to as sensitive periods.      



 Montessori Dressing Frames   Gulf Montessori Nursery                                                                                


According to the Montessori  method the activities in the Practical Life Curriculum Area should be real activities which meet the needs of the child in the respective stage of his growth, normalize him, and lead him to independence from the adult. The basic components of this curriculum area are as follows:

Care of the Self, Care of the Environment, Discipline and Deportment, Grace and Courtesy.

As they are meant to normalize the child for a Montessori environment, as well as for life at large, these exercises and activities should be introduced to the child in the beginning, as soon as he comes in a Montessori classroom.

In the child’s natural effort towards independence and success the Practical Life curriculum area has four aims:

ORDER in time and space (meets the needs of the child in the sensitive period between 2-4 years of age);

“Repetition is the secret of perfection,

and this is why the exercises are connected with the common activities of daily life. If a child does not set a table for a group of people who are really going to eat, if he does not have real brushes for cleaning, and real carpets to sweep whenever they are used, if does not himself have to wash and dry dishes and glasses he will never attain any real ability”.

Maria Montessori-The Discovery of the Child,

Ch.5, Education in Movement.


CONCENTRATION (helps the child to be focus                          

on a purposeful activity);                                                               

COORDINATION (refers to a coordinated large                          

and small muscle movement as well as hand-eye                             

Coordination that reflect the respective                                           

development of child’s mental life);               


INDEPENDENCE (“The essence of independence                         

is to be able to do something for one’s self.”

Maria Montessori – The Absorbent Mind, ch.14,

Intelligence and the Hand).


In a Montessori classroom and school (Children’s House) the child moves about in an environment made

upon his size, yet all things are real and not make-believe. Materials in this area should be attractive,

child-size and breakable (glass, porcelain, pottery). Among practical basic skills like spooning, pouring,

cutting, folding, the Practical Life activities develop a sense for social relations, grace and courtesy.